TLAP Sports Academy Preparatory Application Checklist

All documents must be submitted in English!

Please upload all information below

  • Copy of Passport or U.S Birth Certificate or Resident Alien Card
  • Medical Records
  • Education Forms
  • Application: Complete our Boarding Admission application. 
  • Teacher Recommendations: TLAP Sports Academy Preparatory requires two recommendations to be completed by school personnel who know you well. Recommendations from an English teacher and Math teacher are highly recommended. 
  •  Academic Transcripts: Submit all grade 9 and above including the current school year semester grades. Transcripts can be uploaded to the online application. 
  • Students requiring an F1 visa for study in the US: A copy of the student’s passport and a financial statement reflecting available funds to cover the cost of attendance (bank statement, for example) is required for TLAP Sports Academy Preparatory to issue the student’s I-20. This should be considered part of the application process. 
  • Student Interview: Upon receipt of at least the Boarding Application, the student or parent is invited to schedule an interview. (Please indicate Skype id or FaceTime number for your contact in the calendar appointment). 
  • Admission Decisions: Decisions communicated via an emailed letter within 48 business hours of the completion of all of the above steps unless otherwise indicated or if additional information must be gathered to aid in the decision.

 Application Processing Fee - $150 non-refundable fee

We enroll a limited number of students annually from a pool of qualified applicants, so we encourage all interested student-athletes to submit an application as early as possible. April 15th–June 1st. Completed applications received after June 1st will be reviewed on a weekly basis depending on space availability.

All Parents/Guardians:

Read and sign the Tuition Enrollment Agreement. Along with a non-refundable tuition deposit and Admission Fee to reserve your space.


I understand that this Release and Waiver of Liability governs all rights and liabilities relating in any way to the receipt by me from TLAP Sports Academy, Inc and/or its agents of Services, as that term is defined below. I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the terms below.


“Services” shall mean any and all manner of goods and services offered by TLAP Sports Academy, Inc or any other Released Party to you. These services, which may take the form of training, treatment, consulting, and the like, include but are not limited to: evaluations; rehabilitation; reconditioning; performance planning; performance training (including strength & conditioning training, speed & quickness training, plyometric training, and the like); recovery and regeneration training; sports nutrition consultation; supplement and nutrition provision; any consultation related to any item in this list; injury reduction and treatment; technical and tactical instruction; performance enhancement“ Training” shall mean any act, omission, or other activity required of you or carried out by you in relation to the Services.

“Released Parties” shall mean all TLAP Sports Academy, Inc staff and employees and all related governmental entities, along with, in relation to the previously-listed respective Released Parties, all of their officers, directors, shareholders, insurers, partners, employees, employers, agents, successors, contractors, assigns, affiliates, parent corporations, affiliated corporations, and subsidiary corporations.

Terms and Provisions:

The risk of injury from participation in sporting events and other strenuous physical activity, including: Training is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis, other serious injury, and/or death. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS of participation in Training, including, without limitation, risk arising from or relating in any way to the condition of the facilities, equipment, fields, and surrounding premises, the actions of persons other than myself, my own actions, and travel to and from the Training. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE RELEASED PARTIES MAKE NO WARRANTIES and shall in no event be responsible or liable for the defective or dangerous condition of the facilities, equipment, fields, and surrounding premises, except to the extent such condition(s) result(s) solely from the gross negligence or intentional acts of a Released Party.

I AGREE THAT THE RELEASED PARTIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, or causes of action that arise in whole or in part due to the simple negligence of the Released Parties, or any of them. FURTHERMORE, I FOREVER RELEASE AND DISCHARGE, AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS, the Released Parties from and in relation to all claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, or causes of action that arise from or relate in any way to my participation in the Training, other than such claims, demands, etc. that arise solely from the gross negligence or intentional acts of a Released Party. I FURTHER WARRANT AND CERTIFY that I have no health conditions or defects that would prevent me from participating safely in the Training, that I have taken every reasonable act necessary to make this warranty and certification in relation to such participation, and that I am otherwise sufficiently fit and healthy to so participate.

I WARRANT AND UNDERSTAND that it is my sole and personal responsibility to obtain insurance to compensate for any and all injuries which might arise from my participation in the Training, and furthermore agree to look solely to such insurance to cover losses resulting from any injuries, regardless of fault, and waive all rights of subrogation on behalf of any and all Released Parties which may now or ever exist as a result of such insurance.


If any paragraph, subparagraph, sentence or clause of this Agreement shall be adjudged illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under Florida State Law. Any lawsuit or claim arising from or relating in any way to Training, Services, and/or this Agreement shall be brought, if at all, in the United States and Florida.

I have read this Agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily. I acknowledge that I have received valuable consideration in relation to my execution of this Agreement, which I understand to be a prerequisite to my receipt of Services.

Finally, I understand that this Agreement shall be of full force and effect as to any and all Services I receive from the Released Parties, without regard to the date or timing of such service.

I understand that this application for admission will not be considered complete until a non-refundable tuition deposit and Admission Fee has been paid to reserve your space. I acknowledge that the information presented on this application is complete, correct and truthful, and I am willing to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by TLAP Sports Academy, Inc.

If anything is found to be untrue TLAP Sports Academy, Inc reserves the right to revoke any offer of admission and, subsequently, remove the student from the TLAP Sports Academy, Inc. Applicants of TLAP Sports Academy, Inc will be considered without regard to race, color, creed, sex, gender, sexual preference or orientation, disability, or national origin.

Agreement hereby certify that my applicant named herein is of good moral character and is not under the jurisdiction of a court, except as specified herein. I pledge the officials of TLAP Sports Academy, Inc my support and cooperation in all that pertains to the welfare and honor of the academy as a whole.

I further certify that the applicant named herein does not have a physical or mental condition that would prevent him from performing the tasks of a daily routine or that would cause him to harm himself or any other student.

I have read and fully understand all of the financial information pertaining to the enrollment of the applicant named herein at TLAP Sports Academy, Inc. I acknowledge that the information presented on this application is complete, correct and truthful, and I am willing to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by TLAP Sports Academy, Inc.

If anything is found to be untrue, TLAP Sports Academy, Inc reserves the right to revoke any offer of admission and, subsequently, remove the student from the Academy. All payments and student deposits are non-refundable.

Tuition Policy and Contract:

All families with children attending the TLAP Sports Academy, Inc are required to have a tuition contract on file which is signed by the child’s parents/guardians. The tuition amount does not include incidental fees, such as team activity fees and fundraising fees. There are no in-house accounts or billings for tuition.

General Tuition Conditions and Agreements:

All payments to TLAP Sports Academy, Inc are non-refundable. All parents understand that it is their obligation to pay all required fees for the prep or school year. All parents agree to accept the rules and regulations of TLAP Sports Academy, Inc as stated. I understand if my child violates the rules and regulations of TLAP Sports Academy, Inc, it may could constitute cause for dismissal.

I understand that if my account is 5 days or more delinquent, TLAP Sports Academy, Inc, at its option, may dismissed student athlete from program. Parent(s) must agree that the student named may participate in all TLAP Sports Academy, Inc activities. I also understand that all parents have the right to withdraw their child at any time during the prep year. If student is dismissed from TLAP Sports Academy, Inc, or parent withdraws their child at any time during the prep year for any reason.

All remaining payments will be accelerated into one payment. After the 5th of each month a $75 late fee assessed to student account balance. If student athlete is injured during prep year and cannot continue. The parent is still responsible for the remaining tuition cost regardless of student injury. Regardless of any reasons parents are responsible for the full tuition payment for the prep year no exceptions.

Tuition is paid in (8-9) installments throughout the year. I further understand and agree that I am not entitled to any refund from TLAP Sports Academy, Inc. Payments, tuition payments, deposits, donations, and gifts to TLAP Sports Academy, Inc are non-refundable. Please note once payment is made through payment portal or invoice, all payments are final no exception.

You agree to voluntarily make payments under your own understanding and knowledge. I, agree and commit to be faithful to the financial terms and conditions regarding TLAP Sports Academy, Inc tuition payments for the prep or school year.

If all tuition payments are not received by TLAP Sports Academy, Inc, payee will be pursued in court to recover all monies owed to TLAP Sports Academy, Inc plus lawyer fees associated with court case.

I, understand that I am liable for any damages caused by defamation, libel, slander, or similar claim alleging that forms of speech are false, have caused damage to the reputation of TLAP Sports Academy, Inc or emotional distress, have presented any person in a false light, or have resulted in criticism, dishonor, or condemnation of any officers, directors, shareholders, insurers, partners, employees, employers, agents, successors, contractors, assigns, affiliates, parent corporations, affiliated corporations, and subsidiary corporations of TLAP Sports Academy, Inc. Slander is false statements made verbally on radio, television, online, or any public venue. 28 U.S. Code § 4101.

I, understand and agree to the terms set forth above:

  • Onetime Application Fee ($150) + January 1st Payment
    *January 1st 2021 Payment ($950)
    * February 1st 2021 Payment ($950)
    *March 1st 2021 Payment ($950)

Tuition Amount: $18,890 - 10 Months (High School Prep) - All payments is due on the 1st of each month starting August 1st of each calendar year.

Standard shared rooms and board are included in boarding tuition. All student athletes will have free transportation access only for the following events: skill development, strength & conditioning, yoga training, games, practice and team events. All other transportation needs, parents will need to purchase student athlete plans for additional cost. Meal plans are not included into tuition pricing. Families may purchase student meal plans separately. Meal plans pricing cannot be added into tuition cost. Each family that purchase a meal plan will receive a meal plan account. TLAP Sports Academy Prep will not be responsible for student spending habits when it comes to purchases. School uniforms can be purchased on website.

Tuition Amount: $23,890 - 8 Months (Post-Graduate Basketball) - All payments is due on the 1st of each month starting August 1st of each calendar year.If student has received a partial scholarship toward total tuition amount. Tuition amount will be adjusted depending upon available funds.

Standard shared rooms and board are included in boarding tuition. All student athletes will have free transportation access only for the following events: skill development, strength & conditioning, yoga training, games, practice and team events. All other transportation needs, parents will need to purchase student athlete plans for additional cost. Meal plans are not included into tuition pricing. Families may purchase student meal plans separately. Meal plans pricing cannot be added into tuition cost. Each family that purchase a meal plan will receive a meal plan account. TLAP Sports Academy will not be responsible for student spending habits when it comes to purchases.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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